We had another great day working with the kids! The kids made a variety of products and I did hear that many of them knew that dreamcatchers were not really Navajo and they knew the reason for some of the games they made - which specific skills they trained. I was really impressed with the boys who made the game where they rolled the big dreamcatchers and tried to catch them with the stick. Great idea!
Students: Our students are super - I would be very proud if they were to teach my children! They are honest, communicative, trustworthy and pleasant. Don't be afraid to ask for a job recommendation.
Assessment rubrics: Due to the mass of planning and organization of having all these kids at the PH, we have not been able to get the depth that would have been nice. Of course that was to be expected. And at the same time, I believe by simply having developed an observation rubric, having had to take notes and think about what they WOULD write, they have learned a lot about how to think like a teacher.

Positive effects of this project
Students: Our students are super - I would be very proud if they were to teach my children! They are honest, communicative, trustworthy and pleasant. Don't be afraid to ask for a job recommendation.
Assessment rubrics: Due to the mass of planning and organization of having all these kids at the PH, we have not been able to get the depth that would have been nice. Of course that was to be expected. And at the same time, I believe by simply having developed an observation rubric, having had to take notes and think about what they WOULD write, they have learned a lot about how to think like a teacher.
Positive effects of this project
- Kids - they are so very happy to be at the PH, in a new setting. The whole trip together, the being in mixed groups is great. This fit in nicely with Zukunftstag.
- Parents - actually know what we do at the PH, have some insight into teacher training.
- Teachers - get to see their kids in action in a different setting
- Students - Get to take notes in a systematic way and think about how it would be when they are teaching; get to make an impression on kids - who knows, a few years down the road a few of them will be teachers.
Things to improve
- Spend more time in the module actually planning the project. This project probably belongs more to didactics than Lernfelder.
- Spend more time planning the project so that the assessment forms are at the forefront and not a side-thought after all the planning.
- Communicate about parents and teachers dropping in and out better - that said, provide clearer rules and imply prepare students better for this.
- ...
There are more things to improve, I know, but it's time for bed....zzzzzzzzzz
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