I am too lazy to update my website, so I will put my workshop for January 14 and 18 here! Speaking Activities – Computer Resources http://www.michellehenry.fr/pronounce.htm --> spend time getting ideas for teaching and have fun practicing your own English. Go to http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/ and search for “Pron Pal”. Install the ‘app’ and play around with it. Go to http://americanenglish.state.gov/trace-effects . Play the Trace Effects game. How might your learners use this? ABC Teach ( http://www.abcteach.com ); Login:laura.buechel@phzh.ch; Password: cook90. Search for words such as word walls, bingo (sounds bingo ), …. a topic you’ll teach in the near future Bogglesworldesl ( http://bogglesworldesl.com ) (CAREFUL!! No WWW!!) Look around everywhere (also in the adults section). Also use the site search to search for things like ‘pronunciation’ or a topic. Check out http://www.epals.com/ - what sorts of things make sense her...