In an attempt to put all the cool and interesting things we discuss and stumble upon in our family into some sort of structure, I will reopen my blog! Last night we discussed the following NPR article: Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning and pondered the following points. 1) Do our own children have enough perseverance? 2) Did the teacher judge the moment in that he knew that the child would succeed by the end of the lesson? What would have happened if that child had NOT succeeded? 3) Where have our own children had these "AHA" moments and been publicly praised? 4) What can we take on from other countries into our existing behaviors? And much more.... I read about a really cool app for English language learners - useful for Swiss kids : English Train by Kaplan I saw this teacher's website and found it really cool: And here is a picture of Zoe (toothless) and A...